So now that i am not voting every night (that was only my excuse for the past 2 months) because my brothers-in-law won their grant we were all voting for! YEAH!!! I figured, if i could make that much time to vote, i need to make more time to blog. So i am not going to go in order or try to catch up on everything, but i am just going to get in what i can. So, here are the pics from when i went with AJ on his field trip to the zoo. I was excited to be able to go, especially because i couldn't last year since they went on May 1st or something and i was afraid i would have a baby at the zoo! So we went this year on a nice spring day..ok, not "nice" exactly. Notice the kids are in winter jackets and some are all bundled up! It was really cold and wet but it didn't actually rain while we were there. But we had fun anyway and got some great pics of the animals-some up close!