SO, again, better late than never!!!
For New Years Eve, we went down to Tyler and Michelle's house to ring in the New Year! Melynda (Michelle's Sister) came too which we were really excited about...we haven't seen her in FOREVER!!! It was a BLAST!! (pun intended!)
We had a super yummy dinner and played games, the kids played tons until it was time for FIREWORKS!!!
First, we had to get bundled up! We weren't really prepared for the event, so Aaron and Krystal let AJ and Julia borrow some warmth! Thanks Guys! (look at Julia's hand...the gloves were a "smidge" :) too big!-but hey they worked!!!)
Then, we had to get all situated for the show! We were quite the crew huh?!?!
I HAVE to comment on the expressions on my kids faces!!! Brandon just happened to catch this pic of AJ at the exact time that one of the fireworks started to make some loud noise...haha!! (It was a DRASTIC improvement from the fourth of July to have our kids within 20 feet of the fireworks.)
And Julia...look at that face is she focused or what-i think her eyes almost popped out of her head!!!!
Then, the show!!!
Tyler did a great job! Michelle had these cute little bags makde up for everyone with sparklers, glow sticks, treats, and noise makers! SO CUTE!!!
And MIRACLE OF MIRACLES: MY KIDS actually held the sparklers...what progress!!!
So after the show, we came in and warmed up. We parked the kids in front of a movie and continued the game marathon! At midnight we watched the ball drop and celebrated with good ole' Martinelli's (Mormon Champagne!!).
Thanks for a great night! I hope this year is as fun as the start of it!!!
2021 to-read plan
4 years ago
Great time with family! I love holidays too.
SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO FUN!!! What a great post. I really love how you put all the picutes together in cute layouts - all scrap-book-y and whatnot. LOVE it. We are so glad you guys are back in Utah. That was a blast. Let's get together AGAIN!!
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