I had an orientation for grad school last wednesday, and I got a sneak peek of what my schedule will be like. I've pretty much been in PANIC mode ever since. I essentially have school starting in June and ending in May. No breaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barely one for christmas and spring break!!!!! So, Tina and I are a little stressed, but we know we'll get through it.
AJ and I also just got over Pink Eye. (jers, didn't you mention you just got over that as well?) Anyway that's LOADS of fun!!!! BTW, jers I believe you mentioned Kevin and Kyle getting sick and then AJ and Julia got sick. Then you mentioned you had pink eye then I got pink eye. So, I need you to do me a favor. Could you blog that you woke up and found a million dollars. Even if you didn't. That way I will wake up one day and find that million. Don't worry, we'll split the $, how about a 95-5 split. (I get the 95 of course).
2021 to-read plan
4 years ago
Hey you guyz - hang in there! Life gets so dang crazy when it's 100+ miles an hour. If anyone can manage - it is definitely you two. Sorry about the sickness and pink eye - that's the worst.
Much love, Michelle
Plonnie had the pink eye. That is so weird that you got it. Do you know who you got it from? Plonnie doesn't know where she got it from. That's weird. I will only make the blog if you promise a 75-25 cut on the million. I mean, that would be a lot of work for me to post a blog, ya know? I will write up the contract tonight.
all right, how about 65-35 split. You have all that work to write up a blog, and I have to spend all that money!!!! That's only fair!!!
plonnie half the kids at headstart had pink eye. We had one mother that keep on sending her child with pinkeye just because she said her child was going to cry if she didn't get to go to school. oh botter. Poor child was going t0 be sad. How about all the upset parents with kids who also get pinkeye. I don't know how to send pitures
Ryan and i need half of the million. we will not be going to disneyland with all of my family because of are stupids cars will maybe brake down on the way to cal. so we are going to bear lake. we wish you could all go with us.you might all be family but we think of you all as are best friends.
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